Tuesday, February 26, 2013

My belief system.

I know this is a touchy subject for most people, and to those of you reading that know your going to get defensive, I ask that you are just as respectful to my choices and beliefs as I am to yours.

As a little back story, I grew up a member of  the LDS church in Bountiful Utah. I was an active member for 15-16 years, and have now been a less active/non active member for 1-2 years. With that being said, this post is not meant to disrespect the church or its members, its simply my brain going *splat* over the Internet.

lately I have been questioning my own belief system, what I hold most dear to my heart, and other priorities in my life. I have been researching different organized religions and other not so organized religions/ belief systems. the closest thing I have come to being able to label myself as is an Agnostic Theist. I believe there is no actual proof of a God and we will never have said proof, but I believe in God anyway.

The reason I am writing this and not keeping it in my head is because lately I have had some very important people in my life look and treat me differently than they did before. I've had people tell me that I don't believe in anything, I've even had a few "your already wearing black go Wiccan" comments. No disrespect to the Wiccan community but your belief system doesn't match up with mine, and that's OK  at least you believe in something. Personally I think you guys have gotten a bad reputation for whatever reasons but from the few Wiccan's I have met and actually talked to about religion with, I think you guys have your hearts in the right place for the most part. :) I would just like to announce to everyone, officially what I believe in so I don't have to repeat myself all the time.

1)      There is some sort of god
2)      Everything/ everyone has a purpose
3)      Life is a puzzle that can’t exactly be solved
4)      There is no absolute proof of god (probably for a reason [unknown])
5)      You have to work hard in life for what you want, nothing is handed to you
6)      Karma
7)      God/ Goddess etc.  Are basically good beings.
A)     Everything that happens is either karma or a lesson you needed to learn (no harm in knowledge)
8)      All Gods in organized religions are probably the same being just different personifications of each other with a piece of your own perspective. (no actual proof, just my own opinion)
9)      A stranger’s smile on a bad day has an impressive influence on the rest of your day.
10)   Women are more powerful than men. We have the ability to create the next generation.
11)   Nature is powerful and should be respected. It’s been here since before any of us were even thoughts, have some respect for your elders.
12)   Your attitude can affect your health
13)   Religion should be a personal thing not a group effort.
14)   Good and bad
15)   Heaven and hell. If you’re a basically a good person you’re going to heaven. If you’re a bad person in your core then you’re going to hell. But it’s not our place to make that decision for other people.
16)   Outward appearance doesn't matter as much as inward appearance. (takes some true talent to see the inner self of a person instead of the outer mask people hand out to the world [still working on this myself])
17)   Knowledge is the only thing we take to the other world. The lessons we learn are all we have.
18)   We are all related in some way or another so yes you’re with family no matter if you’re in heaven or hell.
19)   10 commandments are basic common knowledge things. What I’m not supposed to kill my neighbor? Wow new discoveries!  ;)
20)   The universe has signs to help you in life if you listen to them
21)   I believe in myself and the power I hold as a human being
22)   “Faith is like the wind, you can’t see it, you feel it.” – Nicholas Sparks
23)   Your home reflects on who you are. What’s going on in your brain usually manifests into how you live. (not always the case, no actual proof of this belief)
24)   Spirituality is different than religious. I am spiritual not religious.
A)     Religious is defined as “an institution established by man for various reasons. Exert control; instill morality, stroke egos, or whatever it does. Organized, structured religions all but remove god from the equation. You confess your sins to a clergy member, go to elaborate churches to worship, and told what to pray and when to pray it. All those factors remove you from god.”
B)      Spirituality is defined as “born in a person and develops in the person. It may be kick started by a religion, or it may be kick started by a revelation. Spirituality extends to all facets of a person’s life. Spirituality is chosen while religion is often times forced”
25) Questioning your beliefs makes them stronger
26) There is some truth in everything
27) Meditation is good for your mind (a little peace and quiet never hurt anyone)
28) Having goals and dreams keep us driven in life
29) Love is love. I am strait with many gay/lesbian/bi friends. They pose no harm to us. If anything they will help the increasing number of children forced into orphanages. 

so that's what I believe so far. 

This is a very incomplete list that I will continue to add to, but for now that's all I've got. 


Andrew and Gina said...

Sarah- I LOVE that you're blogging again. I feel like I'm getting a glimpse into your life again.

It is great that you are figuring out what you believe. Thomas Jefferson said "question with boldness the very existence of God. For if there be a god surely he prefers questions over blind-folded fear".

This is what this life is all about: learning and growing and making choices for ourselves.

I have to admit I'm a little sad to see you step away from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Just because I hold it so dear to me. And know that all the happiness I have in life is because of my Savior. And I know this is his organized church on earth.

But it's not worth anything if you don't know it for yourself. That is why God encourages questions a s exploration. So keep on the journey. You'll find your way. We're all walking the same path, just trying to figure this whole thing out.

I love you and your family. I miss you guys. Hope you keep blogging. God speed. Love, gina

Brad's gaggle of girls said...

Sarah, I am proud that you are questioning whatever beliefs you have. I know it's been hard to be taught one thing all of your life and then see those who taught you make other choices. Life is a journey, and we all have our own road to go down. Spirituality is as personal as our testimony. There is no one correct way of life other than to seek the truth, live honest and love those who love you. There are those who come into our life for a reason and those who leave, that is the most difficult lesson of all... for me anyway. You are strong and will always be my baby!