Friday, January 14, 2011

dont mention the "M" word.

My dad moved out the day after my sisters 16th birthday, August 12, 2010. The divorce has been final for about 4 months. He “gave” us a car that now has no license or insurance. He will not sign the papers that the DMV gave us to transfer the car into my moms name because he talked to some people and they said that it would look like fraud, but it looks like fraud now. If he signed the papers it would fix that problem. he has now announced that he is getting married in march, to a woman that only one of my sisters has met, named (for the sake of privacy i am going to call her Mrs. X). My cousin had a baby (she was the first baby born in the state of Utah in 2011.) my sisters mom and I went to visit her and that is how we found out about his engagement, apparently he announced it to his family Christmas eve, my dad thought we were in Seattle for Christmas to visit my moms family. We ended up not going because of the car problems, but my mom wanted him to think we still went so, we spun the lie…

the night we found out we went around to pick up peoples old dried out Christmas trees so that we could go up to the "B" (its a place in bountiful) and burn them. Without knowing it we all had sent him a text telling him how we felt about his engagement. He didn’t respond until the next evening. My sister Liz and I were at a stake fireside (an activity in the LDS church) he called us both in the middle of it, Liz answered her phone and told him that she couldn’t talk. I just didn’t answer mine; I didn’t want to talk to him. Ever. That night a friend of ours came over to help us all figure out what to do; we decided that we didn’t want to meet the mystery woman until we had talked to my dad first, so I told him that. The next morning I find a text message from my dad saying we could just meet as a family before we meet Mrs. X (I call her la-fon-duh).; he asked if we could all meet at the mall food court. I told him we should meet somewhere more personal so we could talk without crying babies. We ended up meeting at a pizza place down town.

That night we went out to dinner with him, my sister Jessica and her husband nick, cat, Liz and I, we all had a game plan. My sister cat had Liz and I write down a list of questions we had for him. We were going to take charge of this meeting, we weren’t going to let him start pointing fingers and yelling at us like he did every other time we went to see him because we always came home confused. In the car we all decided that if he started pointing fingers or if one of us wanted to leave then one of us would stand up and everyone would follow suit. And that’s exactly what we had to do.

When we got to the pizza place, he had already ordered. Cat didn’t beat around the bush; she started the conversation a few minuets after arriving. She wanted to know when he had planned on telling us he was getting married, how much the ring cost, when he got it, how long they had been dating. My dad told us that they had been dating for 6 months, now weather that was a math mistake or if he had been cheating on my mom know one knows for sure. He refused to answer the other questions saying “what does that have to do with anything” and when cat told him it had every thing to do with it he asked if it was an interrogation or a conversation, cat replied by saying it’s a conversation but you have to answer the questions for it to not turn into an interrogation. And that’s about how the night went, no one talking other than cat and my dad, and that’s pretty much what we planned on happening. The night ended by my sister asking one last question, I don’t remember exactly what she said but what ever it was, my dad got defensive fast. He pointed his finger in cats face and pretty much pulled a Matilda with the whole "I'm smart; you're dumb. I'm big; you're small. I'm right, you're wrong. And there's nothing you can do about it." And that’s when we all got up and walked out. When we got outside, my sister Liz collapsed on the ground, we were all trying to get her up off ground when we hear the restaurant door open and my dad steps out, cat yelled to him something along the lines of “you happy? She fainted.” He didn’t even come over to help her. That’s the last time we have seen him. were planning on going out of town for the week of the wedding.


Brad's gaggle of girls said...

The divorce was final Sept 22, so 3 mo ago... Sweetie, I am sorry that you and your sisters have to go through this. I'm sure it is even harder to have lots of signs that your father's alliance shifted to another woman before he moved out and has lied his way through the last few months. Always know that I will never lie or leave you. I will love you always, no matter what. the blessing you got tonight from John was so beautiful, keep it in mind. We all have to let go of the ugly and make room for the happy so we can move forward.

Carrot Jello said...

Oh Sarah, I just want to give you a big hug.
Sometimes, when we don't want to face our own lives, and the mess we've made of it, we point out others mistakes.
I think that's what your dad is doing.
Pointing out everyone's fault but his own.
Deep in his heart I'll bet he knows he should have been more involved, and done the right thing, but he doesn't want to face it right now.
In the scriptures it says pray for your enemies. Pray for them that despitefully use you, and persecute you.
So no matter how hard it is, try praying for your dad. Pray that his heart will soften, and that one day he will be able to see how much he's hurt you, and your mom, and your sisters.
Heavenly Father is there Sarah.
And he's a way better parent than our earthly fathers. ;)
Pray to Him and he'll help you.

Brad's gaggle of girls said...

Thanks so much carrot! You have such beautiful advise...

Andrew and Gina said...
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